Thursday, September 22, 2011

Soooo today I had my very first ostrich burger and I have to say it was extremely delicious! I'm absolutely obsessed with the food here and I'm loving trying new things each day. I had another 7 hours of class today which is what I do every Thursday, though this time it was a bit better because I was not sitting in soaking wet clothes the entire time! (Last week we had to brave a torrentially down pouring storm in order to get to school) not fun! After class I went to the library to do some studying for our exam. The library was amazing and actually quiet (unlike uconn). I got so into studying that when I looked up from my notes I had completely forgotten I was in Africa and not in Homer Babbige library at Uconn. Such a weird but cool feeling!

Tomorrow I have my exam and then most of the day free so I think we might be going to see LIon King 3D! How many people can say they've seen Lion King in theatres while in africa? Not many I'd say! Sooo pumped :)


1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Lion King in 3D while actually in Africa. You will definitely remember where you were when you look back on it years from now.
    And don't get too comfortable in Cape Town...I want you to come home! I miss you. lyb.
