Monday, September 5, 2011


Officially made it to cape town safely!! Sorry for the delay in blogging I literally just got internet working today and it has been insanely slow! Also we are incredibly busy doing anything and everything available to us in the area!

I spent my first full day exploring the area around my new home and getting to know the area I have to say it is amazing! I am living in an absolutely gorgeous house with 14 other girls in the nursing program from Uconn. The house comes fully equipped with two kitchens, many bedrooms, lounges, a pool table, personal bar and an in the ground pool! Not too shabby! I am staying in the “pool house,” which is separate from the mainhouse but has a kitchen and four big double-bedrooms each with their own personal bathroom. I like the space though it is extremely cold here because there is no heat and South Africa is just coming out of their winter. Unfortunately I only brought a couple of sweaters but I’m making due and it actually warmed up quite nicely during the day!

So last night I got to meet our RA, Ben Brown, an extremely fabulous and energetic guy who welcomed us with open arms and made us feel very at home. That night Michelle (my roommate) and I went out with Ben to Main St and had the task of ordering pizza on our own for 17 people in a very strange land. It was fun but definitely had to think and be aware of our surroundings!

This morning we met with Reverend Vernon Rose who is one of the coordinators of the program, a lifelong resident of Cape Town, and actually flew to Uconn last October to interview all of us. He is going to be teaching us a class on the culture and history of Cape Town and I know I’m going to love it! He went over our agenda for the next 10 days which included activities such as going to the winelands in Stellenbosch, petting cheetahs, visiting Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 18 years) and of course a safari. No biggggie!

So those are just a few things you will be hearing about over the next couple of weeks, and I cannot wait!!! It’s been tough not being able to get in touch with anyone back home, but I just got my terrible nokia phone set up which always me to send very expensive text messages home and communicate with people over here. Tomorrow I will have internet set up and running for good so I will try and skype and chat with everyone!! Miss everyone back home but am still digesting the idea that I am literally LIVING IN AFRICA and have a GIANT-ASS mountain right outside my window!! (see picture above) Many more pictures to come!!

Headed to bed so I can attend church at Reverend Rose’s Baptist church tomorrow! Should be adorable, cannot wait to sing with and meet the people of his community!

Love and miss you all!!

<3 Kate

1 comment:

  1. petting cheetahs is an option?? I love it! It was great to skype with you yesterday!
