Thursday, September 8, 2011

Robben Island Adventure!

Wednesday September 7th 2011.

Today we went to Robben Island, which I had been looking forward too ever since I read Nelson Mandela’s biography “A Long Walk To Freedom.” It was a gorgeous day and we hopped on a ferry on the waterfront of Cape Town and began our journey towards Robben Island. The ferry ride was absolutely breathtaking. We had seals swimming alongside the ferry and looking behind us could see the entire landscape of Cape Town with Table Mountain in the background. I think I love my new home.

Robben Island is the place Nelson Mandela was imprisoned in for 18 years as a political prisoner. We were driven around the area and allowed to take pictures at places like the quarry where he would work during the day. We were then taken into the prison and allowed to see the exact cell that Mandela stayed in. It was pretty sad to see the living situation that these prisoners had but what touched me the most was that the tour guide was a former prisoner of Robben Island and because he could not find another job after granted his freedom, he was forced to come back and work at Robben Island as a guide.

After getting the full tour of Robben Island, we had a wonderfully delicious lunch on the waterfront at a reasonably priced restaurant. I had lobster bisque (actually crayfish bisque) but still tasty! Then we walked around the waterfront; which is an extremely touristy area which I’m not exactly a fan of but it was still nice. Very gorgeous and safe area to just walk around on a beautiful day!

After getting the full tour of the waterfront we came back to the house and met with our RA to go over some more legistics on safety in the city. Good times! ☺ Got to skype with my brother at night which was awesome!!! Love and miss you all!


  1. I'm learning so much from your blog. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time!! MISS YOU!
