Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cape Point and Penguins!

Sunday September 11th, 2011

So I didn’t think anything could top yesterday, but I was wrong. Today we took a trip around the entire Peninsula of South Africa and saw the gorgeous scenery of this beautiful country. We stopped at Fourth Beach first of all and got many gorgeous pictures on the rocks overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. After that we went to Hout Bay and walked around the craft market and practiced bartering with the shop owners. We then departed for Cape Point, which was abosolutely breath taking. We had lunch at Two Oceans Restaurant; which overlooked the bay and I was even able to see some whales while waiting for my lunch to arrive! After a delicious group meal, we hiked up to the lighthouse on the top of Cape Point where you could look out for miles and really soak in just how terrific this country is. While overlooking the ocean, myself and a few other girls noticed a path that led to an even further tip of the peninsula and realized we had to get there! WE were on a time constraint so we literally booked it to the tip of the peninsula (while being on the look out for baboons which are apparently very common in the area). We made it to the most southern point of South Africa and just took it all in. Words and pictures cannot describe how phenomenal that experience was. I definitely will be returning to Cape Point again to explore and soak in the serenity of that area… and maybe see a baboon or two!

We hurried back to the bus to head to Boulders Beach which is known for it’s Penguin Colony! We got there just while the park was closing but were able to convince the workers there to keep it open for ten more minutes. So the whole group of us ran like mad people down the boardwalk where we were welcomed with a colony of penguins! The penguins are called African Jackass Penguins and are soo cute! We were up on a boardwalk so I wasn’t able to pet/pat a penguin but I guess petting a cheetah will just have to do for now!

So that was my Sunday! I’m pretty exhausted and will be getting to bed soon because we have our first day of clinicals tomorrow and I am soo excited!! Night!

1 comment:

  1. these pictures are AMAZING!!! I want to visit you!!! so glad you are having so much fun!!
