Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while, I’ve been so busy with finals coming up this Thursday and Friday!

I realized I never blogged about going to see Coldplay at the Cape Town Stadium where the World Cup was last year! The stadium holds up to 60,000 people and it was packed. We originally had seats up pretty much in the nosebleed area which wasn’t bad because we could really get a sense of just how huge the stadium is, but I have to say I was pretty jealous of everyone on the ground. While waiting for Coldplay to come on we met some other Americans who were from Utah and currently living in South Africa for an internship which was pretty cool and actually ended up meeting up with them to climb table mountain that weekend! Before the show came on we ended up going down to the ground floor to the merchandise tent and ended up being able to stay on the ground floor for the remainder of the show! Needless to say it was amazing. This was my second time seeing Coldplay and they were even better in Africa. There were fireworks for the opener and closer of the show, giant balloons bouncing through the crowd throughout the entire show and of course the band was flawless. Definitely worth the investment. I want to thank my dad for finding these tickets back in March when we bought them! ☺


  1. Thanks for sharing your Coldplay adventure with us. I thought it must have stunk since you did not say anything about it! So glad you guys had a good time and got to see such an awesome band again for this new album. Are So. African fans the same as American fans?
    Miss ya. lyb.

  2. They're exactly the same except that when they sing along they have adorable accents hahaha
