Wednesday, October 12, 2011



So this weekend I accomplished the impossible. I, Kate Harris, climbed the giant-ass mountain outside my window, also known as TABLE MOUNTAIN!!! What does this entail you ask? Let me enlighten you! It consists of packing and drinking over 3 liters of water and hiking for 4.5 hours pretty much UP HILL for 7K. Not an easy task for me if you know me ☺. However I thought I kept up pretty well and have to say I was pretty impressed with my capability. So obviously table mountain is gigantic so there are many different trails you can take. As a rookie I wanted to take the beginner route of course, but ended up taking the “scenic route” by accident when we decided “that path looks good!” Note to self... don’t do that again! In the end I was glad we took that trail because we really got to see just how beautiful the area is and pretty much ended up climbing three mountains to get to the actual top!
Along the way, we climbed ladders attached to the mountain, scaled rocks, and drank juice boxes. All in all a fantastic time! I have to say getting to the top was one of the most rewarding things I have ever accomplished. The view from the top was absolutely breathtaking and I could see both the Atlantic/Indian Ocean and all of downtown Cape Town. Such a beautiful view. After taking many pictures we ended up taking the cable car down which was awesome because it rotated 360 degrees while we were descending so we could get a full view of our surroundings.

All in all a great weekend, even though The Springboks lost in the world cup :(

miss you all!!


  1. Sounds so exciting Kate!! Glad you decided to take the cable car down instead of having to repeat the whole thing again! miss you. lyb.

  2. Hi Kate,
    Wow - you will have so many adventures to remember later on. Good for you I am so happy that you are having this wonderful experience even though we miss you and your smiling face here at St. Thomas Aquinas.

  3. OH MY MY, you go girl friend, I am soooooooooooooo proud of you!!!!! You look like you are having the time of your life!!!!
    Love ya much.... Lisa

  4. Anonymous said...
    OH MY MY, you go girl friend, I am soooooooooooooo proud of you!!!!! You look like you are having the time of your life!!!!
    Love ya much.... Lisa Wild-Cornell
    St. Thomas Aquinas LOL
